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Speech by the General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou at the event to honor the heroes-martyrs Kavazoglou-Mishaoulis


‘ADONIS’ Idalion Stadium, Dali, Nicosia

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th April 2021, Nicosia

56 years ago on a Sunday, as today. The bullets fired by the Turkish Cypriot nationalist TMT organisation murdered our two precious comrades, Dervis Ali Kavazoglou and Costas Misiaoulis on 11th April 1965. Their sacrifice became a banner held in the hands of every Cypriot who loves and struggles for peace in our country. Their path, contribution and struggles for the People’s Movement of the Left and their homeland is the reason why we insist on honoring and paying tribute to them. Their sacrifice is our oath. It is the banner we insist on raising high, shouting the slogan to be heard everywhere: Cyprus belongs to its people!

Imperialism, fascism and nationalism turned their weapons against our people many times. Against his struggle for an independent and sovereign Cyprus. They drowned our people in smoke, blood, pain and uprooted our people in their own country as refugees. But every time the vision of Cypriots for a united homeland, for a people living in peace and for a future that belongs to them stubbornly blossomed on ruins.

A theatrical performance of the “Antilogos” Theatre Company, which deals with the political assassinations committed in 1958, had its premiere in Nicosia recently. A truly astonishing performance.

Shortly before the curtain falls, the following line is heard “every time I hear the word ‘comrade’, I turn around to see someone who looks like him…”.

Fazil, Savvas, Ahmet, Michalis, Ayhan, Elias, Panagiotis, Dervis, Costas.

Every time the word ‘comrade’ is heard, the memory turns to those who gave the word a meaning. With their struggles and their blood. This is what makes them of the same kind. All victims of political assassinations and murdered as “traitors”. Victims of those who thought they were more patriotic than patriots.

But who really deserves such a title?

When during the bloody decades of the 1950’s and 1960’s the orgy of political assassinations was at its peak aiming at exterminating AKEL and the People’s Movement of the Left and destroying all bonds and ties between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, the provocation was immense. But the Left did not give in and yield.

Recognising that a civil war would be fatal for Cyprus’ cause, AKEL chose to respond to the killings by waging a mass political struggle. The banners at the funerals of our comrades killed did not demand revenge. They demanded an end to the killings. They warned that a civil war would deal a fatal blow to the Cypriot people’s struggle.

Who are the patriots after all?

The betrayal committed by the coup d’état 1974 and what preceded it, once again targeted the people of the Left. Thousands were arrested, imprisoned, tortured and suffered mock executions.

But when the Turkish army invasion began, these very people of the Left did not back down. They did not tell their torturers “now you so-called patriots go to fight”. They did not hide like the leaders of EOKA B did in the mountains and hospitals. They were the first to rush to the front line of battle without uniforms and practically unarmed to defend the homeland.

So who are the patriots?

AKEL’s patriotism is watered with the blood of all those who fell in battle, in the fire.

AKEL’s patriotism is the last embrace of Kavazoglou and Misiaoulis drowned in blood.

It is the brave and courageous Sotiris Adamos Konstantinou, the blood of Karasamanis, the last breath of Papalazaros, the valor of Ioannides who fought the Turkish army on his own, fighting until the very end who when he was finally killed the Turkish soldiers themselves buried him with honors because of the bravery he showed, with his gun on his shoulder and with his helmet on his head in respect of his sacrifice.

The blood of these and thousands of others is engrained in our hearts and minds with the word Homeland. The blood of those who fell for freedom and peace in Cyprus is the debt that does not permit us to stop the struggle; that does not let us give in and surrender.

The life goal for a free and united Cyprus is our vision for Cyprus, a vision that we will not stop fighting to realise.

That is precisely why we remain consistent to our long-standing positions for a solution of a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with political equality, as set out in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. We will never agree to change this basis based on the relevant UN Resolutions, the High-Level Agreements, international law and the principles and values ​​of the European Union. Let everyone understand this. We insist on one State, a continuation of the Republic of Cyprus, with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship. A solution that will guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Cypriots. We are working for a solution that will free us from the occupation and guarantees.

It has been four years since the collapse of the Crans Montana conference. Turkey is becoming more and more aggressive and provocative. It makes unacceptable demands for a two states solution and confederation. It violates the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, while it is attempting to impose fait accompli in Varosha. Mr. Tatar is acting as Ankara’s spokesman, backing all its unacceptable demands.

Unfortunately, Mr. Anastasiades’ handlings, instead of making it difficult for and exposing Turkey, has led us into a very difficult position. Instead of being cornered into the dock of the accused for its provocations and unacceptable positions, Turkey remains blameless and immune.

Mr. Anastasiades must realize that it is no longer enough to claim that he wants to continue the talks from where they had remained at Crans Montana. Now developments are much worse. As AKEL, we took the initiative and prepared a specific proposal for the resumption of the talks, which unfortunately the President has disregarded.

We are not in a position to know what the President is going to do in Geneva. But if he goes on simply repeating his public positions, then we will be probably be led to a new collapse. If responsibilities are apportioned on the Greek Cypriot side too for a possible impasse, developments will be to the detriment of Cyprus and the Cypriot people.

We urge him to take AKEL’s proposal seriously into account.

To accept in practice the body of work and acquis of the talks and to demonstrate his readiness to submit bridging proposals only on the pending issues of the Guterres Framework.

To submit proposals on the issue of Hydrocarbons that on the one hand will safeguard the Greek Cypriot side and on the other hand reassure the concerns of the Turkish Cypriots and Turkey.

If he does this, then either the way will be paved for the prospect of a solution, or the Turkish side will be held solely responsible for a new collapse.

AKEL will accompany Mr. Anastasiades to Geneva. This decision of ours is α conscious, collective and political decision. It is not appropriate for AKEL to behave shortsightedly and in a petty-political way. We are the force – catalyst for the solution of the Cyprus problem. The voice that everyone – both inside and outside Cyprus – wants to listen to what it has to say about developments.

After everything that has happened in recent years, one can say that the prospect of a solution is still alive because AKEL is here. Because everyone, inside and outside Cyprus, knows that aside from all the contradictions and regressions, there is a force that has a vision and a proposal for the solution of the Cyprus problem, for the reunification of the place. And this force is AKEL.

“To live, to continue“, Kavazoglou said addressing the crowd.

“Live, continue to struggle” the sacrifice of our two heroic martyrs declares from that bloody turn of history.

To live in a free, independent, federal and demilitarized Cyprus.

To continue, the course of history that tied together Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in the common struggles for bread, dignity and life.

To continue the march that our Party and Movement began nine decades ago in this country, that raised the flag of redemption, our Party and Movement that was exiled, tortured, murdered, but continued the struggle.

To continue on the path that put the just cause of the many always first. The path of struggle on which was written in blood “Cyprus, One Homeland, One People!”

To continue.

Necessity: the seed of History!

Long live AKEL!

Long live Cyprus!


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