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Mankind is marching into the 21st century along a road that is both difficult and full of contradictions.
In our march into the year 2000 we are witnesses to radical changes throughout the world, in all fields of life:: Changes in the economic, political and social fields. Changes in the means of production, in our natural environment and in man’s conscience. Especially dramatic are the changes in those countries where historically “real socialism” has been recorded. Beyond the contradiction between peace and war, beyond the contradiction between the two social systems and between capital and labor, new contradictions have emerged such as that between man and the world that surrounds him, between the developed and the developing world as well as that between the poor two thirds and the rich one third.
These changes unavoidably lead to burning questions: What is the place of socialism in the world and what is its future? These questions are inseparably tied to the relevant questions, “What is our view of socialism?” The multi-faceted nature of socialist development is both unavoidable and understandable in view of the multi-faceted nature of life and of the peculiarities of every country and people and also in view of the intricate character of this course, the product of the thought and action of millions of people.

Having in mind the above as well as the peculiarities of Cypriot reality we will put forward our own concept of socialism without neglecting even for a moment the present phase of our political problem and the foremost need to secure a permanent just and lasting solution of the Cyprus problem.

In formulating our own concept of socialism we can’t forget the realities of the world. That is, that socialism and capitalism do not exist in a vacuum but constitute the two component parts of one world.

In addition, we can’t ignore the fact that socialism should, on the one hand, embody the best that humanity has created so far and will create in the future while, on the other hand, it offers a new dimension, a new quality of life at the center of which is man himself.


Until recently Cyprus was an underdeveloped rural country. With its declaration into an independent state Cyprus inherited a relatively backward and underdeveloped economy.

The economic and social progress in the three decades which followed independence, especially during the last fifteen years, is characterized by significant quantitative and qualitative changes which may be summed up in the following:

We had high rates of development which led to the expansion and modernization of the material and technical basis of the economy.
The various fields of the economy were modernized, new branches made their appearance and the achievements of the S.T.R. became an inseparable part of the productive method. This led to an increase in the productivity of labor. Indus try won the first place in material production while the field of services is in first place with regards to employment and its share in the Gross National Product. At the same time the part played by our country in the international division of labor was strengthened. The capitalist enterprises expanded their size and activity, so the monopolistic capital exists alongside of the small crafts and the middle enterprises. Finally the labor force was upgraded and adapted itself to the demands of production while, at the same time, the standard of living of the people rose signify cantly.

On the basis of these changes Cyprus can be considered to be a country with an average capitalist development.

With the development of capitalism in Cyprus its contradictions were accentuated as well. The distribution and redistribution of income has become relatively even more unfair and the gap among incomes has become even wider. To a large extent the economy depends on foreign loans. Unplanned development clashes with the physical environment on the one hand while on the other, in addition to a number of problems concerning the structure of the economy, it creates social problems as well. Unemployment among the younger university graduates and the abandonment of the countryside form chronic and unsolved problems.

At the same time the standard of living has improved, though this has not been given by the bourgeois class as a present. The improvement in the standard of living is primarily due to the hard class struggles of the working people under the guidance of their class organizations headed by the Party of the Working People, AKEL.


A definite class structure has been formed in Cyprus as a result of the development of capitalism.

A correct evaluation of the real potentialities of the working class movement and the correct determination of goals and duties depend largely on the ability to shape an objective concept of the social and class structure of the country.

The numerical increase of waged and salaried employees is evidence of the changes which have occurred. This increases the special weight of the working class for the whole population. In Cyprus the wage and salary earners have shown an ascending tendency through the years and in 1985 they formed about 70% of the profitably employed population.(PEP).

The Working Class.

The working class is numerically the largest class in Cyprus. It includes wage and salary earners who don’t own the means of production and provide their labor force to earn a living. It also includes wage and salary earners who, on the basis of their income, position and role in production, belong to the middle class or the bourgeois class. In 1985 the Working Class formed about 56% to 57% of the profitably employed population.

The Bourgeois Class.

It is not a homogeneous class. It is divided into the lower, the middle and the monopolistic Bourgeois Class. The majority of capitalist enterprises range from small to average. The big businesses however enjoy the biggest share in the distribution of profits. In Cyprus the Bourgeois Class forms about 5% to 6% of the profitably employed population.

The Peasants.

They present a steadily declining trend and their percentage of the profitably employed population is about 13%. Most of them are poor or middle class farmers.

The Middle Class.

It consists of self employed tradesmen of all kinds and wage or salary earners who play an important role in production and receive higher wages. They don’t form a homogeneous class; many belong to the class while some belong to the bourgeois class. They form about 20% to 30% of the profitably employed population.

The intellectuals.

They constitute a social strata. The intellectuals belong to all classes; the bourgeois, the working class and the middle class. There is tendency for salaried intellectual work with a parallel passing of the intelligentsia into the working class. In Cyprus they form about 10% to 13% of the profitably employed population.

The analysis of the development of capitalism in Cyprus as well that of the class structure of society are basic elements of the realities of life in our country. This picture is supplemented by an analysis of the progressive traditions of our people.

The progressive traditions and generally the historical heritage of our people are sources of example and inspiration. Relying on the achievements of the struggles of the people and using the experience of the past constructively we march steadily towards the future.

The building of the new socialist society can be realized if we rely on our history and the high spirited traditions of our people which reflect the historical phases of the struggle for the liberation of the people and for the improvement of the working and living conditions of the working people. Patriotism, which is in full association with internationalism, and the sacrifices for the continuous progressive path of our people have been and still are the main characteristics of the fighting spirit and liveliness of our popular movement.

The continuation and enrichment of the traditions which spring from the struggles against colonial rule remain our basic target for the liberation of Cyprus, for unity of action against the occupation, foreign interventions and fascism, for the promotion of friendship and cooperation between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, for the defense of the rights of the working people and for the consolidation of democracy and legality.