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Let’s change the balance of forces, to pave the way for the great changes that the country needs

Final message of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou

7 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

On Sunday, Cyprus decides. For our cities and local communities, for our neighbourhoods and districts. For Cyprus; presence in Europe and in the European Parliament.

We are optimistic and determined.

We believe that on Sunday we can, together, change the balance of forces and the political map of our country.

To reverse the course that disappoints the people and the young generation.

To pave the way for the great changes that the country needs.

Changes that are progressive, democratic and social.

The Social Alliance that AKEL and the Left are building with the progressive people of Cyprus is the choice for all those people who believe in and want these changes in our country.

All parties ask for your vote. But a vote for AKEL Left Social Alliance is different from any other choice and at the same time, it is the one that can make the difference.

  • First and foremost because we are the great force of assertion for the interests of the many, for the rights of the people of labour, for the dignity of the great social majority that is currently affected by price increases, inflation and expensiveness.
  • At the same time, a vote for AKEL Left Social Alliance is a boost for the only opposition force in the country against the Christodoulides government that disappoints on a daily basis and fails to provide solutions.
  • And finally, a strong Left means a strong front of democracy against the far right that threatens Europe and our country Cyprus which has paid with its blood and is still paying for these ideological concepts.



I am sure you know what the dilemma of Sunday is.

You know that with a strong left, a big force at the forefront

we can change things in the country.

You now have the power to do so.






Cyprus' energy future should be determined through the Cyprus Electricity Authority (AHK)


We call on citizens to go to the polls and vote consciously