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Instead of the Labour Ministry replying to us, it should reply to the Ombudsman about what she denounces


AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas replies to the Ministry of Labour

28 July 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Instead of replying to AKEL, the Ministry of Labour should reply to the Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman), who has confirmed with the position she expressed the huge gaps and shortcomings of the Minimum Guaranteed Income (MGI). It would have been better, of course, for the Ministry of Labour had it provided an answer to the hundreds of applicants and beneficiaries of the MGI for all the frustration they face, for the bureaucracy and delays that they have been subjected to for some years now. She should provide an answer to our fellow citizens who have been waiting for months for a reply, who are being frustrated with demands for providing new certificates and who can’t find anyone to reply to their phone call.

The Labour Ministry shouldn’t be reminding us of its announcements, of how far away from the reality experienced by these citizens it is who are waiting to survive on this allowance.





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