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AKEL law proposals to strengthen the possibility of utilisation of the use of paternity leave by more families


Statement by AKEL MP Andros Kafkalias and Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance Committee

11 January 2022

The AKEL Parliamentary Group’s bill proposals, which aim to strengthen the possibility for parents to use paternity leave whenever deemed, as well as to further facilitate the family with the arrival of a child, were discussed again.

More specifically, AKEL proposes extending the period during which the right to opt for paternity leave is granted, so that the father is entitled, if he so chooses, to take the leave and the two weeks’ paternity allowance to which he is entitled within one year of the child’s birth, without both parents necessarily having to remain at home with the child at the same time.

AKEL’s aim is to make it easier for more families to take advantage of paternity leave and allowance, since most fathers avoid taking advantage of paternity leave, possibly for financial reasons, since paternity allowance, like maternity allowance, is limited to 72% of their average insurance earnings, thus significantly reducing the family’s income at a time when the family’s financial needs are increasing.

Given that only 1 in 3 fathers choose to use their right to leave and paternity allowance, and the fact that this is a child-centred regulation, which will contribute both to the reconciliation of work and family life and to strengthening the role of the father in the care of the child, the Parliamentary Labour Committee will continue its discussion of the issue next Tuesday, 18 January, in the presence of the Director of Social Security Services.


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