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Address by Stefanos Stefanou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL at the concert of Michalis Christodoulides «To the very edges, to the ends of the world»



13 February 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

It is with great pleasure that tonight we present the concert «To the very edges, to the ends of the world» by one of our country’s leading music composers, Michalis Christodoulides. The concert is dedicated to Cypriot poetry and the Cypriot dialect.

One of the important functions of Art is to record History. This is highlighted through the work of Michalis Christodoulides, which we will enjoy this evening. With the 11th century Akritikos Cycle, the 16th century Rhymes of Love and the music of the modern era, Michael Christodoulides records and highlights historical events and their protagonists with compositions of rare inspiration and unparalleled virtuosity. And of course, all with a Cypriot character.

The leading composer always carries our island with him, even when he creates with great works by foreign writers such as Molière and Ionescu. The music of Cyprus can always be found in the compositions of Michalis Christodoulides. Besides, the composer has never hidden his great love for our homeland and his dream for Cyprus to acquire its own repertoire.

He never hid his concern about the political situation on our island with the gradual consolidation of the Turkish occupation and the de facto partition, as well as his desire to return to his beloved Famagusta in a free and reunited homeland.

It is this love and this concern felt by Michalis Christodoulides that brings us here tonight in this special concert for Cyprus, Cypriot poetry and the Cypriot dialect. But it also brings us here with a debt we owe to Michalis Christodoulides’ great contribution to the culture of Cyprus. It is this contribution that has been recognised by important cultural institutions in Cyprus and abroad who have awarded our composer with important prizes and honors that are attributed only to cultural artists who have made history. Because Michalis Christodoulides wrote and continues to write history in the field of world culture with his overall cultural contribution. With prominent compositions for leading plays, ballets, operas and films. With a rich and inspiring discography, with major concerts.

Among the institutions that have honored the composer for his contribution is our Party, AKEL, which in 1992 awarded him the “Tefkros Anthias-Theodosis Pierides” Award for Contribution to Culture.

Today, 32 years onwards, by holding this concert, we want to express again our appreciation to Michael Christodoulides and for his overall work.

Dear Michalis,

We thank you for what you offer to our culture.

We thank you because with your cultural work you promote our Cyprus and cultivate optimism for the future of our country. Cultivating optimism in the depressing world we live in is an act of resistance all that tends to immobilize and demoralize people, forcing them to passively accept their misery. What we need today – especially today – is to oppose and fight against what debases and degrades people and culture.

In conclusion, I would like to express our gratitude to all the participants of tonight’s event, to the Municipality of the Capital for including this concert in the official programme of the Nicosia International Festival and, of course, to all of you who honor us with your presence.

Enjoy the concert!






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