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We can build a common peaceful future without any confrontations stemming from the different origins of each of us

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou after the meeting with H.E. the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus Joseph Soueif

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th December 2017, Nicosia

I want to thank the Archbishop for the hospitality, but above all for the very important and meaningful discussion we had. Our country suffers to a great extent first and foremost from the ongoing occupation and from the economic problems that have developed due to the economic crisis in Cypriot society. We have exchanged views on all these issues. We agree very much on all the issues we discussed.

I want to express the need that we the political parties and, of course, this is also the role of the church – and I am glad that the Archbishop approaches these issues through the correct outlook – manage to help our fellow citizens have a better life.

As he himself has stated, Cyprus is a country inhabited by various communities and religious groups. We can turn our homeland into an example for the countries of the wider region, but why not also at a global level, where all its residents in conditions of peace, security and stability, will be building our common peaceful future without any confrontations stemming from the different origins of each of us.

I express my joy for the discussion we had and about the briefing I received with regards the visit to the European Parliament next Wednesday. I on my part too would like to wish Happy Christmas and hope that the New Year will bring the best for Cyprus.


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