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Anastasiades continues his regression on the Cyprus problem

Statement by Christos Christophides, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd December 2017, Nicosia

Mr. Anastasiades still refuses to comment on the substance of the well-known statements made by the Archbishop for a two-state solution in Cyprus. In addition, Mr. Anastasiades referred to his “excellent cooperation” with the Archbishop on the Cyprus problem. Mr. Anastasiades continues his regression policy, namely trying to pursue and conciliate two contradictory policies. On the one hand engaging in nationalist rhetoric, maximalist sloganeering and supporting rejectionist approaches and on the other pursuing policies verging on the brink of our own side’s positions on security issues.

It is these regressions of Anastasiades which have helped in leading the Cyprus problem to today’s tragic situation.

– Turkey is acting uncontrollably and relived of any responsibilities, consolidating the occupation and partition.

– The Cypriot problem is at a complete and protracted stalemate.

– We are closer to the definitive partition today than ever before.

Mr. Anastasiades failed to address Turkey.

Mr. Anastasiades made a bad negotiation.

Mr. Anastasiades is constantly regressing on the Cyprus problem.

Mr. Anastasiades unfortunately also failed on the Cyprus problem and it is our country and people that is paying the price.


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