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The Left proved in practice that it acted focusing on the future generations and defending the public’s interest

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL Political Bureau member and AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 6th December 2017, Nicosia

– The Left proved in practice that it acted focusing on the future generations and defending the public’s interest.

– Those circles and forces who sacrificed the possibilities of solving the Cyprus problem for the sake of pre-election considerations and who, when in opposition, acted in the most extreme, destructive and in many cases unethical way have got some nerve to call upon on AKEL to act responsibly.

It does indeed require a great deal of nerve on the part of those circles and forces who on several occasions have sacrificed the possibilities of resolving the Cyprus problem for the sake of serving their pre-election considerations, to call upon AKEL to act with responsibility with regards the handling of major national issues. The height of these occasions was the recent transformation of Nicos Anastasiades to Nicolas Papadopoulos, before and during Crans Montana, when he missed the historic opportunity to rid ourselves of guarantee, intervention rights and occupying troops.

They have the nerve to call upon AKEL to refrain from serving petty-party considerations, when they themselves in opposition acted in the most extreme, destructive and in many cases immoral way.

The Anastasiades election campaign team have the nerve to call upon AKEL team to act with responsibility when the Left, as the biggest opposition party, proved in practice that it acted by focusing on the future generations and defending the public’s interest.

We did so, by supporting the negotiation procedure for a solution, liberation and reunification to the very end; by supporting reforms beneficial to society as a whole, such as the National Health Scheme, regardless of the given attempt to exploit it for pre-election purposes by those circles and forces who fought fiercely against it.

AKEL did so by defending working people, pensioners, the middle strata, and the vulnerable groups of the population and our national wealth against the anti-social policies and measures which were imposed by Nicos Anastasiades hand-in-hand with the DIKO party leader Nicolas Papadopoulos – DISY party leader Averof Neophytou.


We can build a common peaceful future without any confrontations stemming from the different origins of each of us


AKEL GS meeting with the Representative of the Maronite community and Community heads of the Maronite villages