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The US and EU are complicit in the genocide being committed by Israel


28 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The horrific testimonies of American doctors in hospitals in Gaza confirm the scale of the devastation raging just a several hundred kilometres from our island. Civilians and children are the principal victims of the Israeli barbarity that is continuing before the very eyes of all humanity.

The responsibilities of the USA and the European Union are responsibilities of complicity in the ongoing genocide and atrocities being committed by Israel against the Palestinians, but also in the extension of the war to the neighbouring states being initiated by the Netanyahu government, with the danger of a general conflagration in the region.

In the face of this explosive situation, the position of the Republic of Cyprus must be on the side of international law and peace. This is precisely what shields Cyprus and our people. AKEL reiterates to the Christodoulides government that our country’s stance must be based on principled positions and serving the interests of our country and people:

  • No involvement in and no facilitation of the Israeli war in Gaza, no participation in the militarisation of the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  • Unequivocal condemnation of Israel’s crimes and of the ongoing occupation and colonalisation in the Palestinian territories
  • A resolute stance against the British government in relation to the use of the bases providing support to the Israeli war operations.




Israel's killing machine does not understand wishful thinking and the issuing of appeals


The government ought to take responsibility for the problems in public hospitals