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The normalization of crossings from the checkpoints is imperative


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd March 2021, Nicosia

On the occasion of the completion of one year since the first restrictive measures were implemented on the crossings from the checkpoints, AKEL recalls that the gradual normalization of crossings is imperative.

The opening of the checkpoints in 2003 was the greatest proof that Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots can coexist and build their common future together. This acquis is one of the biggest achievements of the Cypriot people on the path for the reunification of Cyprus and its people.

Over the last year, on the pretext of the pandemic, we have seen a numerous contradictory and paradoxical measures being implemented by both sides in relation to the crossings through the checkpoints. In fact, these measures were not being taken within the framework of an understanding and cooperation, something that the Secretary General of the UN also notes in the last Report he submitted to the Security Council. It should be noted, of course, that right now it is the Turkish Cypriot side that has taken the strictest and unnecessary restrictions on the issue of crossings.

AKEL proposes that in the period ahead, gradual measures should be implemented through the relevant Bicommunal Technical Committees (Health, Checkpoints) in order to normalize crossings. The rapid test procedure and vaccinations can represent key tools during these transitional stages. In addition, additional conveniences should be provided for bi-communal meetings to take place in places situated in the buffer zone.

AKEL declares that it is ready to contribute with more ideas and proposals after various suggestions we have received from various social organizations. Towards this end, the Rapprochement Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL organized a bi-communal internet seminar the day before yesterday, with the participation of dozens of organizations from both communities, to exchange views on the issue.


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