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We condemn the barbaric Israeli attack on Lebanon – Israel’s aggression is a danger to humanity



AKEL condemns Israel’s brutal attack on Lebanon, with hundreds of victims, including many children, and the uprooting of thousands of families. We express our full solidarity with the friendly people of Lebanon who are suffering the Israeli atrocity. We join with those in the world who are calling for an immediate ceasefire, peace and respect for international law.

Israel is expanding its attacks against Lebanon and neighbouring states with the deliberate aim of dragging the entire Middle East into generalised conflict and, at the same time, completing the genocide of the Palestinian people. The aggression and brutality of the murderous State of Israel and the extremist Netanyahu government is a danger to the whole humanity, including the Israeli people themselves. The insistence of the US and the EU to enlist and arm the Israeli war machine exposes Western hypocrisy.

The build-up of US forces in our region intensifies concerns and risks. The involvement of the British bases on our island in Israel’s military operations creates enormous dangers for our people and our country, which are exacerbated by the announcement that a major exercise is to be held at the bases today.

AKEL calls on the Christodoulides government for the umpteenth time to send clear messages to the British government in relation to the involvement of the bases in the war and the dangers it creates for our country. We also call on the government to condemn Israel for the genocide of the Palestinians and the attack on Lebanon, to take a stand for international law and peace.



AKEL condemns the attack by the Israeli occupying forces in the West Bank


Prevent the nightmare eventuality of a generalized war in our region