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The militarisation of the EU is a danger to peace and a setback to the peoples’ living standards



The decisions of the European Council have sealed the dangerous path of militarisation of the EU, which is in fact a preparation for war.  AKEL points out that “Rearm Europe” and the “war economy” decided by the EU, on the one hand bring closer the nightmare of a world war and, on the other hand, lead to a new historical setback in the living standards of the peoples of Europe.

The EU and its leaders have decided to channel EUR 800 billion to the war industries and, as Ursula von der Leyen explicitly states, a large part of these funds will be deducted from the European Cohesion Funds. Further on, overnight they have discovered that budgetary rules can be bent when it comes to military armaments, at the same time when the draconian laws of budgetary discipline and austerity apply to the social and development expenditure of the member-states.   Indeed, despite the rifts in the Euro-Atlantic axis, the European Council’s decisions insist on European defence that is “complementary to NATO”.

The Christodoulides government is part of this dead-end and dangerous course.  It supports decisions to transfer funds from social policies to the war industries, it consents to deeper EU-NATO coupling and supports arming Ukraine in order to perpetuate the war. We underline that involving Turkey – an occupying, aggressive power – in the Ukrainian problem is an ardent desire of the Zelensky government itself, which is blatantly supported by the Cypriot government.



The dangerous path of EU militarisation


AKEL condemns the mass massacres in Syria by jihadist forces