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The longer the delay in opening the checkpoints, the greater will the damage caused be

9 March 2020 ASTRA radio station

Statement by Toumazos Tsielepis, AKEL Political Bureau member, Head of the Cyprus problem Office of akel, International Law expert

odofragmata-ipourgos-koronoios-6The closure of the checkpoints has created a completely unwanted atmosphere and put the Greek Cypriot side in confrontation with the United Nations, while both communities have also come into confrontation, noted AKEL Political Bureau member Toumazos Tsielepis.

Speaking to the morning edition of ‘Astra’ radio station, he pointed out that the majority of political parties at the National Council meeting last week came out in favour of opening the checkpoints with the simultaneous assumption of measures.

Tsielepis pointed out that the checkpoints must be opened as soon as possible, because the longer the delay, he said, the greater will the damage caused be.

Furthermore, he underlined that when the government’s decision to close the checkpoints was taken, it was to be expected that the United Nations would react. He pointed out that the confrontation with the United Nations is damaging, noting that the Republic of Cyprus needs the United Nations.

At the same time, Toumazos Tsielepis wondered how the government managed to find immediately 21 people to send to the Greek-Turkish border in Evros, but couldn’t find people to staff the checkpoints they had closed.


The idea that "we are the state" or attempt to identify only themselves as serving the country’s interests refer back to other sinister periods


AKEL on illegal regime’s decision to close checkpoints