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AKEL on illegal regime’s decision to close checkpoints

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th March 2020, Nicosia

The unilateral decision by the illegal regime in the occupied territories to close the checkpoints in Strovilia and Limniti is wrong, given that it hasn’t been scientifically proven that such a measure curbs the spread of the coronavirus. The so-called “Foreign Minister” of the illegal regime, Mr. Ozersay, who announced the decision, did not present any scientific evidence for this decision.

The need to stop the spread of coronavirus – in view of the cases that have now found in both the free and occupied areas – demands the assumption of drastic and scientifically substantiated measures. What is demanded is the significant strengthening of controls at the points of entry into the Republic of Cyprus and at the checkpoints from the free to the occupied territories and vice versa.

The threat of the virus affects the whole island and the entire population of the island. The competent bi-communal Technical Committee is a useful forum of understanding, consultation and cooperation so that – even under the current conditions of occupation and division – the most drastic and effective measures should be taken to tackle the common threat.



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