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The idea that “we are the state” or attempt to identify only themselves as serving the country’s interests refer back to other sinister periods


Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member on DISY’s provocative statement

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 8 March 2020, Nicosia

The DISY leadership’s extremities have gone from its government’s extreme actions to conveying an extremist political discourse. In a provocative statement for our country’s political culture and democratic norms, the leadership of governing DISY called the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL – the biggest opposition party – “harmful to the nation’s cause”.

It is evident that in the higher echelons of DISY they have a serious problem in tolerating criticism and with democratic functioning. The idea that “we are the state” or the attempt to identify only themselves as serving the country’s interests refer back to other sinister periods and to catastrophic ideological notions.

We could have replied with many examples as to who is harming the Republic of Cyprus and our people through his/her actions. After all, these actions are well known even to thousands of DISY voters disappointed with the government and the President of DISY.

We won’t do so. We will just call on the DISY leadership to realise the slide downhill it is descending into and whether this is beneficial to the national cause or, whether it is as they themselves would say, “Damaging to the nation’s cause”. We also call on citizens to judge these extremist actions of the country’s governing party.


There was an admission that the decision to close checkpoints was political


The longer the delay in opening the checkpoints, the greater will the damage caused be