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The Group of the Left in the European Parliament denounces Turkey’s illegal actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus

29th January 2019

The President of the Group of the Left in the European Parliament Gabby Zimmer made the following statement:

“The GUE/NGL Group denounces in the strongest possible terms Turkey’s violations in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and calls on both the UN Security Council and the European Union to take the necessary measures.

The Turkish exploratory vessel “Barbaros”, which is accompanied by the support ship “TANUX-1”, has as of yesterday began to conduct searches within block 9 of the Cypriot EEZ, which constitutes an illegal act and a clear violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus.

At a time when we should all be focusing on the effort to resume the talks with a view to achieving a solution of the Cyprus problem, Turkey is provoking and creating an explosive atmosphere with provocative and illegal actions.

We call on Turkey to immediately withdraw its exploratory vessels from the EEZ of Cyprus.”

At the same times as Zimmer’s statements, AKEL MEP and Vice-President of the Group of the Left, Neoklis Sylikiotis, sent an urgent question to European Commission Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the issue, asking the Commission “How does it intend to denounce these provocative and illegal acts of Turkey, especially at a time when all efforts should be focusing on resuming the negotiations for a solution of the Cyprus problem.”


Despite the Government’s claims that its actions have shielded the Cypriot EEZ there hasn’t been even a verbal expression of support of our sovereign rights by anyone


AKEL on the UN Security Council Resolution regarding the renewal of the mandate for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)