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AKEL on the UN Security Council Resolution regarding the renewal of the mandate for the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30 Jan 2019, Nicosia

The United Nations Security Council resolution does not contain any surprises because on the one hand it concerns the renewal of UNFICYP’s mandate, not the Mission of Good Offices and on the other because the effort for a resumption of the negotiation procedure that is in progress.

Despite this, the resolution sends out certain important messages, which the President of the Republic must take seriously into account. These messages are very specific:

  1. The fact that UNFICYP’s mandate has been renewed is positive, but it is clear that if the deadlock in the negotiations is not breached, we will soon be faced with new and negative facts.
  2. While in the previous resolution reference was only made to a lack of progress, now regret is expressed about the lack of progress.
  3. The resolution calls on the two leaders to find a way to conclude on the terms of reference and to be fully involved, with flexibly, to meaningfully and constructively engage in talks for a solution based on a bi-communal, bizonal federation with political equality. The resolution stresses that this procedure must be within a foreseeable horizon, going on to add that the status quo is not viable.
  4. While in the previous resolution the two leaders were urged to avoid any rhetoric that could have a negative affect on the procedure, the resolution now urges them to avoid the rhetoric that undermines it.
  5. Despite the positive references about the Confidence Building Measures (CBM) that have been implemented, it calls for further CBM’s with special reference to improving mobile phone and electricity interconnectivity.
  6. The Security Council requests the submission of a Report from the UN Secretary-General by 15th April on the substance of the Cyprus problem.

It is clear that time is running out. Mr. Anastasiades has to abandon the negative rhetoric and the demonization of the solution. He must at long last focus on a bi-communal, bizonal federal solution with political equality and convince the UN Secretary-General that he has all the will and commitment demanded so that the terms of reference are agreed. If he does so, then all the burden and responsibility for any developments will be apportioned on Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side. If he does not, he is in danger of going down in history as the President of the final partition.

The time frame Mr. Anastasiades for Cyprus is getting dangerously shorter.

AKEL once again underlines that it will never accept a solution that will partition Cyprus, a two states solution and confederation.


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