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Statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL and the French Ambassador after their meeting at AKEL central offices

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26 March 2018, Nicosia

AK: We had a very productive and interesting discussion with our friend the French Ambassador, which as you can understand revolved around developments in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus and the Cyprus problem. I consider that the role played by France in relation to developments on the Cyprus problem, but more widely in the European area is very important and therefore a discussion with my friend the French Ambassador always has its own importance.

I have once again reiterated that AKEL’s position is that the urgent pressing need at this very moment is the de-escalation of the tension that has been created in the wider region and the creation of those preconditions that will enable us to resume the negotiations on the Cyprus problem. The only way to “get rid of” Turkey – in quotes – is to  manage to solve the Cyprus problem in a way that ensures that we free ourselves from the occupation and that Turkey will have no right to intervene in our internal affairs.

This must be our goal and I repeat again that a prolonged impasse harbors enormous dangers for the future course not only of the Cyprus problem, but for Cyprus too. Developments in the Turkish Cypriot community are unfortunately negative. Every passing day makes the issues much more complex, complicated and difficult. We must therefore make every effort to resume the negotiations as soon as possible. These are the views I have conveyed to my friend the French Ambassador. I would also like to thank him for the position that France is adhering as far as the efforts to find a solution is concerned, especially in the United Nations, but also wherever the Cyprus problem is discussed.

The French Ambassador René Troccaz:

It was really a very interesting and rich I can say exchange of views with my friend Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL. As you know, France is in favour of a solution to the Cyprus problem, a correct solution that will of course include the European acquis. As we have said many times, we are not Cypriots ourselves, but we are friends of Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus. With regards the wider region, we want de-escalation. We are not here to create problems, but to contribute as much as we can, to their solutions. This is our policy, and within this context it was a very interesting exchange of views with the General Secretary of AKEL. I repeat, for us, a solution affords the best prospects for the Cypriot people.

Replies of the General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou to journalists’ questions


Any assessment on what will happen in Varna (at the EU leader’s summit)?

AK: I think we shouldn’t rush to predict what will happen. In a few hours we will have the results and will by then be able to judge with certainty. Statements have already been made by various officials who will be taking part in this meeting. I think it is better to wait to judge developments themselves. It is obvious that Mr. Erdogan is going to this meeting, unfortunately, not with a positive approach. His latest statements I would say show an escalation of his aggression and raise questions as to what Mr. Erdogan’s real intentions are. His statements of the kind that “if needed we will die and kill for the idea of ​​a Great Turkey” defy all logical thinking and statements of this kind are very dangerous. Indeed he made these statements just before the meeting is due to convene in Varna. So we will wait to see the results so that we can decide from the result what will happen from now onwards.

With Erdogan’s statements are there any hopes for the resumption of talks?

AK: We have two paths to take before us. One is to say that with Erdogan in the presidency of Turkey we cannot start negotiations. It is naive to think that with this approach things will simply remain as they are. There will be a regression that will lead to partition. And partition does not mean “them (the Turkish Cypriots) living on that side and us (the Greek Cypriots) living on this side” and hence the problem is solved. Gradually other problems will be created. The Turkish Cypriots and the settlers will “suffocate” in the part that they will be occupying in Cyprus. Moreover they will search for a vital space for development. All this is very dangerous.

What is the other path?

The other path is difficult on the one hand, but one I believe that can create a specific perspective if we are consistent, if we make use of the just cause we have on our side, by putting forth the corresponding arguments, and provided that we convince the international community. I am not saying that this difficult road will necessarily lead us to the solution of the Cyprus problem. But the difficult path of struggle has a chance to lead us to a solution and if it does not lead us to a solution, it will surely reveal who bears the responsibility for not reaching a solution. The non-solution will be Turkey’s sole responsibility. Consequently it is of the utmost importance to pursue this path because only then will the international community support us and try to prevent Turkish designs against Cyprus


AKEL on 25 March 1821 Greek Independence Day


AKEL on the results of the Varna meeting