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AKEL on 25 March 1821 Greek Independence Day

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th March 2018, Nicosia

AKEL honors the anniversary of 25th March 1821. We honor the revolution of the Greek people in 1821, which led to the shaking off of the Ottoman Empire yoke and the foundation of the Greek state.

The Cypriot people struggling for their own freedom against the occupation and for the reunification of our homeland, is inspired by the ideals of 1821 and draws strength from the values ​​that this great uprising has highlighted. We are inspired by the ideals of freedom, genuine patriotism and democracy. We believe that the belief in the forces of the people, which characterized the Greek Revolution, constitutes the solid foundation of our own, anti-occupation struggle. In 1821 anniversary also teaches that the struggle for freedom is inextricably linked to the struggle for democracy and social progress. Democracy and social progress create the best preconditions for the success of a liberation struggle. On the contrary, if the selfish interests of the few are placed over and above the common good, the struggles for freedom are led to adventures.

The road to a viable and workable solution of the Cyprus problem, through talks within the UN, remains difficult and uphill. But it is the only way to reach a solution and to ensure a happy future for all Cypriots.

On the occasion of the 25th March anniversary, AKEL sends a heartfelt greeting to the fraternal Greek people, and warm wishes for peace and security. We express our thanks and gratitude for the solidarity and support of the government, the political forces and the Greek people as a whole towards the people of Cyprus in their struggle for a solution and the reunification of Cyprus.


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