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AKEL on the results of the Varna meeting

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27 March 2018, Nicosia

According to what the President of the European Council Donald Tusk has stated, it is clear that in the EU-Turkish meeting in Varna no substantive progress has been recorded in EU-Turkey relations. Of course, this wasn’t surprising, given the negative circumstances and the problems caused by Turkey’s provocative behaviour on numerous issues and towards EU Member-States, such as Cyprus and Greece.

The Europeans approached the Varna meeting as a vehicle to keep the communication channel with Turkey open. We believe that with this approach and under certain preconditions, dynamics can be released for solutions to problems. This, of course, presupposes that the EU be consistent to and demands as far its principles is concerned a just solution to problems, including the Cyprus problem as well, and provided that Turkey respects international law and fulfills its commitments towards the Union.

We consider Donald Tusk’s references to the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus as positive, which are in a similar tone and content to that of the recent European Council’s Conclusions. Furthermore, we also consider as positive that the resumption of the EU’s support towards the Republic of Cyprus is reiterated with regards it’s right to explore and exploit its natural resources, at the same time as it expresses concerns about the Turkish actions in the Eastern Mediterranean. Unfortunately, in the statements once again it is not specified that the provocative actions of Turkey are taking place within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus.

The President of the European Council refers to the successful reunification of Cyprus, characterizing it as a “common goal”, obviously implying the EU and Turkey. Mr. Tusk acknowledging that the reunification of Cyprus would be in the interests of all, introduces a new term and instead of referring to two communities, refers to “two populations on the island”, which cannot but be of concern to us.

The expression of support and solidarity towards the Republic of Cyprus on the part of the EU is important and necessary, but it does not however solve problems itself. The EU’s stand should be made use of by the Cypriot government on the basis of a plan whose fundamental component must be the continuous and consistent effort to resume the negotiations surrounding the Cyprus problem, on the line charted by the UN Secretary-General in his recent Report.

In this endeavor, if the Turkish side were to respond positively, we will have developments, if not, at least it will remain exposed and its malicious and unsubstantiated claims in relation to hydrocarbons will be revealed.

We must address Turkey’s provocative behaviour by undertaking initiatives, making use of the support expressed by the EU, and not to confine ourselves to expressing satisfaction.


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