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Statement by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People


29 November 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

A delegation of AKEL, headed by the Party’s General Secretary Stefanos Stefanou, visited the Embassy of Palestine today on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The General Secretary of AKEL made the following statement:

“Since 1978 the United Nations have established 29th November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and not by chance. The United Nations, and by extension the international community, sought to underline the need for the implementation of the decisions and resolutions of the international community on the Palestinians. They wanted to stress the necessity for the Palestinian people to achieve vindication through the creation of a Palestinian state.

To this day, the need that led to the establishment of the International Day of Solidarity still exists. And not only does it exist, but it has become even more pressing because unfortunately, the State of Israel is pursuing a criminal policy against the Palestinian people, against children and civilians. And it is precisely this need that gave birth to the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, and that has made even more urgent the implementation of the Resolutions and decisions approved by the United Nations.

We are therefore here to express our solidarity and support for the just demand of the Palestinian people for the establishment of a Palestinian state on the June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

AKEL just as it has always with consistency and timelessly stood on the side of the Palestinian people’s struggle, also stands on the side of all struggling peoples fighting for their just cause and rights on the basis of international law. AKEL will continue to support this struggle with the same consistency.

For AKEL, it is inconceivable that a people such as the Cypriot people, who is the victim of invasion and occupation, who is the victim of violations of international law, who are the victims of the non-implementation of UN resolutions, will not stand on the side of the Palestinian people who are fighting for justice.

I have concluded my message with the words “Struggle until victory” and we hope that this victory will not represent just be a victory for the Palestinians themselves, but a victory for justice. It will be a victory for the peoples of the world, and that it will be achieved very soon.”



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