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Cyprus will be lost if it does not reunite

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou

AKEL C.C.C Press Office, 7th October 2020, Nicosia

The action by Turkey and Mr. Tatar (Note: the so-called “prime minister” ‘of the illegal regime in the occupied areas) to extend the coastal front in the fenced off city of Varosha is illegal and condemnable. It violates the relevant Resolutions of the United Nations and as such it must be denounced to the international community and in particular at the UN Security Council, the European Union and other international fora.

The goal must be to put an end to Turkey’s provocative actions and the annulment of the new fait accompli that are being attempted against the Republic of Cyprus. Denouncing this action alone is not enough to solve the problem. It also needs to be accompanied by measures that will solve it. These measures must be decided with logic and not be guided by emotions and on the basis of the longstanding goal we have set.

Turkey’s goal in the first phase is the final partition of Cyprus and in the long run to take over the whole of Cyprus.

All the actions Turkey is taking are aimed at serving this goal.

Our own goal is the liberation and reunification of our homeland and the prevention of the fulfillment of Turkey’s goal. The actions we will take must serve this purpose.

The statement of the National Council shows the way. The condemnation of Turkey’s actions must be accompanied by the assumption of initiatives to end Turkey’s provocative actions, de-escalate the tension and resume substantive negotiations.

The framework of the solution is Bi-Zonal, Bicommunal Federation with political equality, as defined in the relevant Resolutions of the United Nations. The starting point is where we had remained at Crans Montana. That is to say, on the basis of the Gutierrez Framework, the joint announcement of February 2014 and the convergences that have been recorded so far. I want to make it very clear that we insist on a united state, with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship, a state in which there will be no guarantees and intervention rights from any third party and which will be a continuation of the Republic of Cyprus.

We could have criticized the Government over many issues with regards the Cyprus problem and particularly with regards the issue of Famagusta. This is not the time to do so. Now is the time for all of us to work together to reverse the new fait accompli that Turkey is planning. However, we cannot but point out that the Government and the ruling DISY party have underestimated the dangers. When relevant statements were made by Turkish officials in June 2019, the Foreign Minister characterised them as “communication tricks”. The ruling DISY party on 31st August 2020 declared that it was not worried about the possibility of Turkish moves in Famagusta. This approach does not help to address the problems.

On this opportunity, we want to point out certain issues that must guide us in all our actions.

  1. When the Cyprus problem is at an impasse and talks are at a stalemate, Turkey proceeds to create new fait accompli. This is historically confirmed, one only has to look back at the history of the Cyprus problem and one will conclude this fact. Therefore, we need to undertake constant initiatives so that we will avoid stagnation.
  2. When Turkey makes public announcements and issues threats, it is only a matter of time before it implements them. Turkey is simply looking for the right opportunity.
  3. Not all Turkish Cypriots are the same. Yesterday’s reactions on the part of Mr. Akinci, and Mr. Erhiurman and others prove this. Whatever differences we may have, we must seek to cooperate with them to serve the interests of our common homeland.

The developments are negative. The situation is extremely difficult. Right now, collective wisdom, the prevalence of reason and joint actions are demanded. Our goal must be to prevent new fait accompli, the termination of the Turkish aggression, the de-escalation of the tension and the resumption of substantive negotiations for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

Cyprus will be lost if it is not reunited. We must not permit this. We owe it to our children, grandchildren and to ourselves.


Turkish announcements for the opening of the coastal area in Varosha


Turkey's action to open the coastal front of the fenced-off city of Famagusta is justifiably provoking anger and indignation