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EDEK leader Sizopoulos isn’t simply lying, he’s telling half the truth

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C. C. Press Office, 1st December 2017, Nicosia

Those claiming they want Nicos Anastasiades to go from the presidency of the Republic and spreading rumors that AKEL supposedly doesn’t want him to, on the eve of presidential elections, where Nicos Anastasia is and his government should be judged, have chosen to focus their attacks on D. Christofis. This shows who really does want change and who doesn’t.

I am referring to EDEK Socialist Party leader Mr. Sizopoulos’ statement during a TV debate last night. Mr. Sizopoulos predicted that I wouldn’t give the details I have in public because they would refute me. Unfortunately for him he miscalculated. AKEL doesn’t fire accusations, but backs them with well-substantiated arguments.

I regret that Mr. Sizopoulos has forced me to come back on a debate that has taken place tens of times. But Mr. Sizopoulos, unfortunately, is not just lying, he does something worse: he’s telling half the truth, citing D. Christofias’ statement on 14th October 2008 as follows: “My belief is that the international economic crisis at the end of the day will leave Cyprus completely unaffected”.

I would ask him to read the whole statement as published in the official Cyprus News Agency, which reads as follows: “If only this crisis doesn’t strike our country. At this stage we feel unaffected and I would like to believe that the global recovery will leave Cyprus untouched. We will reflect on the matter and examine very closely at the issue with the Finance Ministry”. I also refer him to a statement of the then Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanou made during those days in which he reiterated that “the Government isn’t complacent of course, it is monitoring developments very closely”.

Since Mr. Sizopoulos is interested in what was precisely said at that time and by whom, I refer to the statements made by the prestigious friend of the Presidential candidate Mr. Sizopoulos is supporting back then, namely the then Governor of the Central Bank Mr. Thanassis Orphanides, in a statement issued by the Central Bank which said that “all the banks operating in Cyprus, including the branches of the Greek banks remain robust and secure.”

Finally, I have to remind Mr. Sizopoulos what the Presidential candidate he is currently backing, namely Mr. Nicolas Papadopoulos, said at that time, who claimed that “we will have consequences in our real economy, but definitely not in our financial system, which is of the most powerful in the world “.

Intelligenti pauca…


Who are the two candidates who approached ELAM requesting its support for the upcoming election?


People must be wondering if they are living in the same world as the government rulers are living in