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AKEL welcomes UN SC’s initiative to overcome procedural deadlock and for the negotiations to proceed

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 1st June 2017, Nicosia

We would like to welcome the fact that the Secretary-General of the United Nations is taking an initiative to overcome the procedural deadlock and for the negotiations to proceed, which of course must be substantive. We wish that the meeting the UN Secretary-General shall convene, together with the leaders of the two communities, will reach a successful outcome.

We have on many occasions pointed out that the deadlocks on the Cyprus problem, particularly when accompanied by the apportioning of responsibilities on the Greek Cypriot side, will be exploited by Turkey, but also by other involved parties on the Cyprus problem, for new faits accompli to be created that will make the achievement of a solution more difficult.

The negotiations are the only available path for a solution of the Cyprus problem. Taking into account the given situation, it is important that a way is found to complete the effort that has begun for some time. Regardless of the difficulties and problems that exist in the negotiations procedure, only through its continuation can either a solution be achieved or the intentions of each involved side be determined, and primarily Turkey’s.

AKEL will continue in a constructive way support the efforts to achieve a solution on the basis of the agreed framework; a solution that will liberate and reunify our country and people.


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