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AKEL denounces new attempt to falsify Cyprus’ contemporary History by the government and ruling forces

Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4th June 2017, Nicosia

We denounce in the strongest possible terms the new attempt to falsify History by the government and ruling forces, through the participation of the Minister of Defence Mr. Fokaides, at a Meeting seeking to pardon and exonerate Grivas due to take place next Saturday in Nicosia.

At a crucial time for the Cyprus problem and the country, the government and ruling forces, together with the unrepentant admirers of Grivas’ ideas and actions, chose to provoke the democratic feelings of the Cypriot people.

They chose division and to open up the wounds of the past.

They once again chose to attempt to falsify and rape our country’s modern history, as well as to pay tribute for the umpteenth time to the founder of the EOKA B organization and the destroyer of Cyprus, Grivas.

Thousands of victims and war-stricken people of the coup d’état and Turkish invasion, namely the overwhelming majority of the Cypriot people, are once again witnessing the Anastasiades-DISY government’s horrendous provocations against Historical Truth. Unfortunately for them and the Cypriot people as a whole the flag of shame on the enslaved Pendadaktylos occupied mountain range is a daily reminder to us all of Grivas’ actions and results.

Moreover, we also denounce the intended participation of the Greek Government’s Minister of Defense in this meeting. It is a matter of particular surprise and wonder how a Minister of the Tsipras Government can participate and pay tribute to the founder of EOKA B. We remind the Greek government that Grivas was also the founder of the “X” organization in occupied Greece, writing in Greece as well a shameful story for the Greek people. We urge the Greek government and Prime Minister to immediately correct the Greek government’s participation in the attempted falsification of modern Cypriot, but also Greek history.

Regretfully, so many years later, and at the same time as our homeland is still suffering under semi-occupation, the unrepentant followers of Grivas’ ideas and actions, the attempted “purifiers” of betrayal, are relentlessly continuing their efforts.

We promise to the Cypriot people that we will continue the struggle to defend historical memory so as not to live the days of fascism and betrayal again.


AKEL welcomes UN SC’s initiative to overcome procedural deadlock and for the negotiations to proceed


AKEL is ready, in a serious, responsible and patriotic way to contribute towards a correct solution