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AKEL never has been and will never be a supporter of just any solution of the Cyprus problem

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th August 2017, Nicosia

AKEL never has been and will never be a supporter of just any solution of the Cyprus problem. It always consistently supports a solution based on the declared principles which the Greek Cypriot side has formulated. Besides, the unanimous communique of the National Council of September 2009 formulated during the Christofias administration which was based on his election program, also represented AKEL’s positions.

If certain circles and forces persist in slandering AKEL and its positions on the Cyprus problem, we have no problem whatsoever to have a discussion about the past and what each political force has from time to time supported. Such a discussion doesn’t frighten us.

It is our belief, however, that in the very critical situation the Cyprus problem is at, the pressing priority is what we do for the continuation of the negotiations from the point where they had been interrupted at the Conference in Switzerland.

This is what the UN is calling for from the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot side, removing Turkey from the framework of responsibilities, which is exploiting the whole situation to consolidate the occupational fait accompli.

The reply as regards the day after cannot be given neither by projecting vague positions about some “new strategy”, nor by issuing statements aiming at telling people what they want to hear and serving pre-election considerations.

It is the responsibility of the President and his Government to prepare and take initiatives that will create the preconditions for the continuation of the negotiations, building on the “acquis” that has been created. Otherwise, Turkey unhindered will continue to promote its plans and partition will be consolidated on a daily basis.


Anastasiades must use every possibility to move developments towards the resumption of the negotiations


Policies and handlings aren’t judged by statements, but by results