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Policies and handlings aren’t judged by statements, but by results

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th September 2017, Nicosia

Policies and handlings aren’t judged by statements, but by results. While the government and ruling forces are trying to create a “success story” picture as regards the Cyprus problem, the UN Secretary-General’s statements came and shattered their plans.

Following the meetings of the UN Secretary-General with the President of the Republic and the Turkish Cypriot leader, the United Nations declared that “we remain in a period of reflection”. What does this mean? It means that from all that the UN Secretary-General Mr. Guterres heard he was not convinced that he could take an initiative on the Cyprus problem with possibilities of success.

Thus, the stalemate caused by the failure of the Crans Montana Conference is continuing and Turkey, remaining outside the framework of any responsibilities apportioned on it, continues undisturbed to consolidate the partitionist fait accompli in the occupied areas.

The decision of the illegal pseudo-state to impose a tariff on products sent to the enclaved people in the occupied territories highlights yet again the danger of occupation and de facto partition.

It is imperative that Mr. Anastasiades abandons pre-election considerations and seriously take initiatives for a resumption of the negotiations from the point they had left off, safeguarding the acquis of the negotiations

Neither Mr. Anastasiades’ regressions, nor the “new strategies” vaguely being proclaimed by Mr. N. Papadopoulos and Mr. Yiorgos Lillikas open up any prospects. On the contrary, they destroy any chance for the resumption of the negotiations to be made possible and make it easier for Turkey to remain intransigent without suffering any political costs.


AKEL never has been and will never be a supporter of just any solution of the Cyprus problem


Government’s efforts to silence AKEL, invoking false arguments that wrong messages are being conveyed abroad are in vain.