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18 years since the opening of the checkpoints


AKEL’s vision is the abolition of checkpoints and any other obstacles in the communication of our people

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 23rd April 2021, Nicosia

Today marks 18 years since the opening of the Ledra Palace checkpoint in 2003. This was a historic development that brought Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots together in their own country after 29 years of separation.

This historic deconstructed years of nationalist propaganda, on both sides of the dividing line, concerning the possibility of the two communities coexisting. Since then, the way has been paved for more ties and relations between the two communities on various levels. The movement for the rapprochement of the two communities also made a big contribution to this development.

Especially today, when the unacceptable restrictions on crossings apply, it is imperative that crossings from the checkpoints are normalised. As AKEL, we expect that the recently announced statements for the elaboration of measures by the relevant Bicommunal Technical Committees for this purpose, will yield results soon.

Opened checkpoints, of course, is not the goal, but a temporary means of communication. AKEL’s vision is to struggle for the day when in our homeland checkpoints and any other obstacles in the communication of our people both on the ground and in people’s minds will be abolished. This goal will be fulfilled with the solution of the Cyprus problem which will bring the reunification of our homeland and people, Greeks Cypriot and Turkish Cypriots.


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