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With a strong Left we strengthen our assertions for the big social majority

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

6 June 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

Sunday’s European elections will take place in the shadow of the austerity that is suffocating Cypriot society and other European societies.

The dilemma of “What kind of Europe do we want” has never been more urgent and the Cypriot people are called upon to take a stand: do we want the EU which, with its well-known policies, has today driven 95 million people into poverty, at the same time as the banks are registering record profits on the backs of the people?

Or do we want a fundamentally different Europe, with other policies being implemented and other priorities, for a social, fair and progressive Europe, at the service of the many?

Similar dilemmas are being posed in Cyprus too, where the increase in interest rates is literally gnawing away at the living standards of thousands of our fellow citizens.

On the one hand, AKEL proposes the taxation of the banks’ exorbitant profits so that the interest rates for the mortgage loans of the low and middle strata are subsidised in a targeted way. On the other hand, however, the Christodoulides government and DISY party refuse to discuss any slightest measures that target the impunity of the banks and powerful interests.

On Sunday, the Cypriot people will have their say and will take a stand. By voting for AKEL – Left – Social Alliance we strengthen our assertions in favour of the big social majority. In favour of the

working people, households, small businessmen and the middle strata of the country. With a strong Left we pave the way for the big changes that the country needs.



The Left is against policies that victimise the environment


The imposition of a green tax without any compensatory measures and infrastructures is punitive for society