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What will determine the Greek Cypriot side’s credibility is the continuity and consistency that the President must show

AKEL on the President’s speech to the UN General Assembly

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th September 2019, Nicosia

The President of the Republic’s speech to the UN General Assembly with regards the Cyprus problem undoubtedly had its significance. However, what will actually determine the credibility of the Greek Cypriot side, but also the future of the effort for a resumption of substantive negotiations is the continuity and consistency that the President of the Republic must demonstrate, starting from his meeting with the UN Secretary-General. Our wish and hope is that the President of the Republic will put into practice what he said in his speech.

At tomorrow’s crucial meeting with the Secretary General, things will become much more specific. There, the President must, among other things, make it clear that he is bound by the convergence with regards effective participation and the one positive vote in the Ministerial Council. Similarly, of course, Mr. Akinci too must return to the relative convergence which, in relation to low-level organs, provides that there will be one positive vote only on some and not all bodies.


Ferdi Sabit Soyer’s position honest and courageous


Mr. Anastasiades - this time – must show consistency