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 What is the Christodoulides government trying to cover up for the irregularities in the Akamas peninsula?


16 May 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

In the last six months, three administrative investigations have been carried out into irregularities/wrongdoings in the construction of road works in the Akamas peninsula, but none have been made public. The Minister of Agriculture has had the latest investigation in her hands since last week while – apparently – she is still reading the previous ones.

We wonder:

  • What is the Christodoulides government trying to cover up?
  • When will the Minister submit the investigations carried out to the Parliamentary Environment Committee, as she has been repeatedly requested to do?
  • Where are the commitments made by Nikos Christodoulides that responsibilities for any irregularities will be asigned?

The Christodoulides government must realise that AKEL and the environmental movement will not permit a cover-up for the irregularities in Akamas.




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