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What interests the rulers is not the social reality of the many, but how well the interests of the few are best served

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou replies to Finance Minister’s statements

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15 May 2019, Nicosia

Why do the government ruling forces insist, and indeed during pre-election times, on talking about the economy and stating their pride about their “feats”?

Don’t they understand that every time they do so, they simply remind Cypriot society of how far removed they are from the reality people are living?

For example, the Finance Minister Haris Georgiades tells us that “the economy remains on track to record healthy and steady growth”. However, he doesn’t tell us how much the dangers threatening its course have multiplied and are curbing its dynamics. And above all, he doesn’t tell us how much inequalities are growing, how much poverty is rising generally, how much the middle and popular strata are being crushed.

He speaks of the economy’s growth, but doesn’t talk about its sustainability, the “bubbles” it relies on, the consequences of its “golden passports” scheme and about the business of granting nationality.

He talks about the reduction of Non-performing loans, but doesn’t talk about the costs people are paying by losing their homes, together with their rights to housing.

Nor when the government ruling forces are rejoicing in the forecasts about a reduction of the public debt, do they bother to think about how many billions of Euros today’s and the future generations will pay in order to rescue the banks, to sell off the Co-operative Bank and public property.

We understand, of course, that what interests them is not the social reality experienced by the many, but how well the interests of the privileged few are best served.


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