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Eurostat reveals a large section of the population are severely materially deprived

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th May 2019, Nicosia

Cyprus is among the countries with the highest percentages of poverty, according to the latest figures released by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat).

With 10.5% of its population severely materially deprived, Cyprus continues to belong to the five countries across the EU facing the biggest problems of the kind.

Only the Anastasiades-DISY government pretends it doesn’t understand their gravity.

It continues to engage in celebrations about its “achievements” by ignoring reality.

This is understandable, given that the only thing it evidently is interested in is how to serve the interests of its friends, cronies and close circle.

They aren’t interested neither about working people, nor the middle strata.


Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative on the death of a homeless woman


What interests the rulers is not the social reality of the many, but how well the interests of the few are best served