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What does the Anastasiades-DISY government have to say about all that is being planned in Brussels?

AKEL on Juncker “State of the Union” speech

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th September 2017

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker yesterday presented during the debate on the “State of the Union” his plans for the “future of the EU”. The EU is trembling on the one hand as a result of the contradictions and antagonisms between the EU Member States and on the other due to the growing dissatisfaction of the peoples who are becoming aware of how far from reality the declarations and wishful thinking of the European leaders are.

The “sixth scenario” that Juncker presented yesterday is another variation of the prescriptions that have led European societies to a historic step backwards in their standard of living and social gains. The leaders of the EU are adamant in pursuing the same policies.

The strategy of defending the banks and multinational companies, the strategy that reproduces periphery inequalities between member states and social inequalities within member states remains the same and in fact is deepening. On the other hand, as far as the working people, the unemployed, young people and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are concerned, wishes are being spread.

The people of Cyprus need to know about what is being prepared today in the EU institutions because they will find it again and constantly before it. Moreover, the government must inform the people about its own positions on all these issues.

Is the government persisting on DISY’s usual policy that accepts as a gift from heaven everything that is being planned by the EU ruling forces?

What is the position of the DISY – Anastasiades government on the abolition of unanimity in decision-making on foreign policy issues, something which obviously hurts first and foremost small EU member states?

Does it accept the surrendering of more powers to the EU, particularly on the issues of the economy, the internal market and taxation, or should we remind it of what it itself was saying about the European decisions taken in March 2013?

Does it agree with what is being attempted for “control in the foreign investments in strategically important sectors of the EU”, which the Commission is proposing, with the ultimate goal of preventing Chinese and Russian investments?

Does the Anastasiades government have positions – and what are these positions – on the so-called European Pillar of Social Rights to be agreed in the coming months?

Will the government’s positions on the social rights of Europeans be those of DISY President Averof Neophytou and Finance Minister Haris Georgiades?

Does the government have an opinion as regards the EU strategy to invest large amounts of money in the war industry, while austerity and “budgetary discipline” remain for the peoples?

Does the Anastasiades Government share Juncker’s celebrations about the EU-Turkey Migration Agreement, which it indeed wants other neighboring countries to copy as well?

Finally, how does the Anastasiades-DISY government interpret the fact that, unlike last year, President Juncker this year avoided making any reference to Cyprus and the Cyprus problem? Is this the “unprecedented interest” the government is talking about?

The Anastasiades government must give answers to all these questions.


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