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Turkey’s actions and threats against Cyprus on natural gas are unacceptable and condemnable


Government has dismantled natural gas strategic planning

Statements by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd August 2016, Nicosia


natural gasReplying to journalists’ questions, the Spokesperson of the C.C. of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou, inter alia, stated the following:

Any actions and threats made by Turkey against both Cyprus and companies who want to become active in Cyprus in the field of natural gas are unacceptable and condemnable.

It is the Republic of Cyprus’ sovereign right to explore for Natural Gas and develop programs for its exploitation. The government must exercise this sovereign right, but at the same time also reinforce it by pursuing correct policies, diplomatic and other actions. Beyond that we have to declare that the government, apart from the various statements and actions it is taking, which often also serve communication games, must finally proceed to the submission of a strategic plan; a strategic plan which should include, besides the research also the exploitation of natural gas.

I must say that this government has unfortunately dismantled the strategic planning that had been made by the previous government. This dismantling has caused a great delay. Other countries that were behind us are now ahead of us and this makes Cyprus’ efforts to enter the field of the exploitation of natural gas even more difficult in a difficult region, heavily burdened both politically and otherwise.


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