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Turkey must contribute in deeds and fulfil its obligations with regards the Cyprus problem


Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th November 2015, Nicosia

EU Turkey cprIn the shadow of all that is happening in our region and under the weight of tackling the refugee crisis, the EU-Turkey Summit convened yesterday. The Joint Statement agreed by the European leaders and Turkey sets out a broad cooperation framework with preconditions and obligations on both sides. At the heart of what was agreed is the EU’s initial financial assistance of 3 billion Euros to Turkey and the reenergising of the accession negotiations with a specific time-frame.

Having studied the joint statement, we consider it necessary to recall Turkey’s obligations towards Cyprus, which represent a legal obligation towards the EU. These obligations are inextricably linked to the opening of its accession chapters and no one can proceed to opening them, by ignoring Turkey’s obligations. Therefore, in welcoming the reference to “without prejudice to the position of Member States”, we note that the commitment of the European Commission to the completion of the relevant preparatory work in the first quarter of 2016, gives Turkey a time horizon within which it must actively contribute on the Cyprus problem and fulfil its obligations related to Cyprus. If this precondition is fulfilled our own reservations may also be lifted.

Regarding the refugee question, the joint statement raises numerous questions also with regards the direction in which the financial aid which is given not just to third countries is used. Unfortunately, once again, the EU is ignoring the root causes that push people into migration, risking their very lives. Instead of focusing on ending the ongoing wars, for which it isn’t blameless, the EU is devoting its time in the management of the consequences and is primarily concerned about stopping refugees and guarding the borders of its Member States. We cannot but express our concern, reflection and disagreement and demand yet again that the EU changes its policies and addresses the real causes of the problems.



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