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Troika’s policies lead to advocating poverty, insecurity and a bleak future for young people

Statement by Andros Kyprianou, GS of the C.C. of AKEL, at an open meeting with AKEL-Left-New Forces candidate MEP’s

Saturday 10th May 2014, Faneromeni Square, Nicosia

927019_329182277206788_339029510_n The decisions of the Eurogroup and the Anastasiades government in March 2013, the anti-people’s policies of austerity, cuts and privatizations implemented by the Troika in our country, with the consent and agreement of the Government, are advocating poverty, insecurity, uncertainty and a bleak future for young people.

• Nearly one in two young people are unemployed,

• Those employed are working under a regime of unprecedented exploitation, underemployment and flexible forms of labour relations

• Young people are forced into migration in search of a better future

• At the same time, public health and education are under constant attacks. Housing policy is being abolished, while brutal cuts are also being enforced in social welfare, affecting young couples in particular

Today many young people are frustrated. Many of them consider that they should not participate in the election process of the European elections, either because they disagree with the policies of the ruling circles of the European Union or because they discredit the political life in our country. Abstention in our opinion is not the solution. It merely gives others the opportunity to decide our future in our name. Participation is the solution, as well as the formulation of a clear position by everyone about what is happening in the European Union, but also in our country.

The result of this election is important for other reasons. It will determine the strength of the political parties the day after elections. It will determine what their possibility to intervene will be on important domestic issues, such as the Cyprus problem, the state of the economy, but also on many other issues. Those who disagree with the policies being promoted by the European Union, policies that led to the global economic crisis, must therefore participate in these elections and support those forces that, over the years, have been expressing their opposition to the ruling policies of the European Union, by supporting alternatives. This political power in the European Parliament, but also in the national parliament was AKEL – Left – New Forces.

The unemployed and those suffering directly from the consequences of the capitalist crisis should give more dynamic response to the policies pursued against the people and their interests. Anger and indignation should not be defused without any real impact, but should be expressed decisively, assertively and correctly. With their vote they should reject the policies of the “friends of Cyprus”, reject the enslavement of the future of Cyprus and of every young person, new scientist, young unemployed, or worker and young family. With their vote they can all send the youthful message of Resistance – Dignity – Perspective.

Woe if the election results strengthen the Democratic Rally party and weaken AKEL. In that event, the arrogance and authoritarianism, the anti-peoples policies implemented today will become even more aggressive.


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