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AKEL supports the #Right2Cure @NoProfitOnPandemic campaign


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 1st December 2020, Nicosia

Health is a public good and the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 confirms this to us every day in the most tragic way. Every sick person and human loss makes finding solutions even more urgent. Everyone’s hopes of being able to live our lives safely turn to science, safe vaccines and therapies.

As we have repeatedly stressed, the state has an obligation to provide the funding and means. Together with public hospitals, health professionals/workers and the necessary equipment, everyone must have free access to safe and effective therapies and vaccines. As the time for acquiring vaccines approaches and the European Commission is negotiating with pharmaceutical companies, these conglomerates must not be allowed to enrich themselves by profiteering and exploiting the pandemic.

That is precisely why AKEL supports and is participating in the European Citizens’ Initiative # Right2Cure #Right toTherapy and invites everyone to support it with their signature.

Together we demand from the European Commission:

  • Tο ensure free access to safe and effective treatment and vaccines for all as this is a universal public good
  • Tο safeguard that whatever intellectual rights on medicines and vaccines will not restrict the availability to treatment and vaccines against COVID-19
  • Tο make sure that pharmaceutical giants will not be allowed to profit at the expense of the peoples’ health
  • Tο set public health over private profits

The links to sign for the Initiative:



# Right2Cure #NoprofitOnPandemic (#RightHealthPandemic)


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