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Transcript of the statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL after the National Council meeting on the latest developments on the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3RD September 2019, Nicosia

AK: You understand that we will have to wait for tomorrow to know exactly what decisions will be taken by the UN Secretary General’s envoy on Cyprus Mrs. Lute and what she will propose to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

We address an appeal once again to both leaders to realize the critical nature of the current period, as well as the need for negotiations to resume. We have agreed since 1974 that the Cyprus problem will be solved through negotiations. If there are no negotiations then we will gradually be led to the final partition.

This does not, of course, mean that we will enter into a dialogue that will take us to partition. If the negotiations are resumed the difficulties will follow, that’s precisely where we must stick to principles. We must defend the relevant UN resolutions and seek to reach a solution based on this very framework. That is to say, based on the relevant UN resolutions, International and European Law and High-Level Agreements. Things will not be easy if negotiations resume, they will be extremely difficult. And each of us should take on their own share of responsibilities.

As far as AKEL is concerned and if and provided that the negotiations resume, we will work constructively and positively in an effort to contribute towards the efforts to resolve the Cyprus problem.

Because the impression that existed, stemming from the information we had here at the Presidential Office, was that the terms of reference have been agreed, you have addressed an appeal to the two leaders. Are there problems which is why the stay of the Secretary General’s envoy on the island is being extended, maybe at the last minute?

AK: You realize that for her to stay here on the island, certain issues still need to be clarified. Let’s be patient, wait until tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow morning and we’ll know.

Is there also an issue with regards the procedure? That is, apart from the content of the terms, is there an issue about the procedure and how do the two sides approach it?

AK: We haven’t been told that. In my view, these issues are very clear.

Do the terms of reference, as they have been “locked”, apparently, because I understand there is still consultation surrounding the details, cover AKEL?

AK: It’s got to do with what we have been saying over the last two years as AKEL. Namely, that we should have proceeded on the basis of that Framework. That is, on the UN Secretary-General’s Framework and the convergences that had been recorded, which is therefore why we have no disagreement whatsoever with what…

What needs to be clarified should be clarified, where things remain to be clarified do they concern what has been troubling us for a long time as regards the Secretary-General’s Framework?

AK: I don’t think that these are issues that still remain to be clarified. Let’s wait for one day to pass, have a bit of patience and we will know where we are heading towards.

Does the National Council still consider the termination of Turkey’s violations a “red line” to resume the negotiations?

AK: I consider it would be very paradoxical for negotiations to be conducted while actions considered as threatening are ongoing. Consequently, that imperative formula must be found to allay any concerns on the Greek Cypriot side.

Through a formula or a termination?

AK: When we talk about a formula we mean termination to allay these concerns.

In Deryneia you said that if negotiations start, Turkey will find itself facing the difficult dilemma of either continuing its provocative actions and to be blamed or either it will stop them.

AK: This is still my view. That is to say, if preconditions for a resumption of negotiations are created, Turkey will find a way to end them, even temporarily.

So we start without these actions being terminated in the hope that Turkey…

AK: I didn’t say such a thing. Don’t go into this detail. I am sure that if the preconditions for the resumption of negotiations are created, Turkey will think a great deal about how it will behave.


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