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The vast majority of our people do not compromise with partition and the final surrender of half of our country


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on DISY Vice President’s statements calling for “a new realism”

Do DISY and the President share his views?

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th January 2021, Nicosia

At the same time as the revelations are mounting that President Anastasiades was discussing behind the backs of the people a two state solution on the Cyprus problem, the Vice President of ruling DISY Haris Georgiades with his continuous interventions is expressing views in favor of a “new realism” on the Cyprus problem, with which he consciously does not exclude partitionist solutions.

The DISY deputy leader can express any views he wants to, even in support of partition too. However, as he is second in the hierarchy of ruling DISY and up until recently a prominent member of the Anastasiades government, DISY and the President of the Republic must take a stand whether they share his views.

The only sure thing is that the vast majority of our people do not compromise with the partition of Cyprus and the final surrender of half of our country to the occupying power.


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Its a nightmare that the President is disappearing bizonal, bicommunal federation from his rhetoric