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Its a nightmare that the President is disappearing bizonal, bicommunal federation from his rhetoric

12 Jan 2021 DIALOGOS

Whenever we are in an election period, DISY, disappears the agreed basis for the solution of the Cyprus problem, namely Bi-Zonal, Bicommunal Federation, from its rhetoric seeking to win votes, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou noted, commenting on DISY’s policy of saying one thing and doing another.

Speaking on the morning edition of ‘Astra’ radio station, Stefanos Stefanou said that the nightmare of it all is that the President of the Republic is doing the same thing as well.

Stefanou noted that the President, especially after the Crans Montana conference, instead of remaining consistent to the agreed framework of the solution without contradictions, began to put so-called “new ideas” on the table that annulled convergences that have been achieved.

The AKEL Spokesperson also stated that President Anastasiades convenes the National Council afterwards, at a critical time for the Cyprus problem when the Turkish side is raising the issue of a two-state solution, a solution that the President of the Republic – according to many testimonies – he himself has discussed with numerous people.

Stefanou stressed that the President should have consulted with the political parties on how to proceed, so that there should be an impetus for the resumption of negotiations.

He also referred to the letter sent by the President of the Republic to the UN Secretary-General which requested the discussion of Confidence Building Measures (CBM’s), pointing out that at this specific juncture, the discussion about CBM’s is a sensitive action that could undermine the efforts seeking the resumption of negotiations from where they had remained at Crans Montana. .

Stefanou underlined that there is a pressing need for substantive negotiations to begin, while he stressed that the Greek Cypriot side must be clear in its positions without setting terms and preconditions and that it should be on the line charted by the Security Council of the UN.


The vast majority of our people do not compromise with partition and the final surrender of half of our country


The President needs to convince in practice of his unwavering commitment to a solution of bi-zonal, bi-communal federation