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The stalemate on the Cyprus problem promotes the finalization of partition

AKEL on UN Secretary-General’s statements

Statement by AKEL c.c. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th September 2017, Nicosia

In his statements, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated what he had stated from the first moment of the breakdown of the Crans Montana talks, namely that when the two sides agree in Cyprus he is ready to continue his good services mission on the Cyprus problem.

Instead of Mr. Anastasiades wasting his time in issuing statements to serve his presidential candidacy, expecting developments to evolve in a passive way, he needs to take initiatives in order to create the preconditions for the continuation of the negotiations from the point where they were interrupted.

This is what Mr. Anastasiades must do, leaving to one aside election considerations. The stalemate does not serve the prospect of a solution, but promotes the final partition.

The UN Secretary-General’s statements, apart from stressing the necessity of taking initiatives to build on the acquis of the negotiations and the framework of conclusions of the UN Secretary-General, highlight the dangerous of the position arguing for a new strategy on the Cyprus problem. The much-advertised “new strategy” that Mr. Papadopoulos is proclaiming will isolate us internationally and enable Turkey to promote partition and the incorporation of the occupied areas at no political cost.


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Anastasiades should stop sacrificing the Cyprus problem for the sake of his presidential candidacy