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The real dilemma is not between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and a better solution, but between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and the finalization of partition

Statement by Yiorgos Loucaides, AKEL Political Bureau member and AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th November 2017, Nicosia

Nicolas Papadopoulos today refused to clarify his position whether he would seek a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution, as this is set out by the UN parameters. We will not tire in repeating that a possible regression by the Greek Cypriot side on the agreed framework of the solution will pave the way for Turkey to succeed in upgrading the illegal pseudo-state and the finalization and perpetuation of the occupation and partition.

Because the real dilemma that we face is not between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and a better solution, but between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and the finalization of partition.

As was the case before 1974, when AKEL and the forces backing Makarios in general were warning that instead of Enosis (Note: union of Cyprus with Greece), all those circles and forces who were seeking a better solution than independence would in fact be bringing Turkey to Cyprus, so will the same thing happen today too. The fierce opponents of a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution will not achieve a better solution, but with mathematical precision lead Cyprus to the finalization of partition.

The main, perhaps, difference back then with today, is that among those circles and forces who are fighting against a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution, together with ELAM and other extreme, nationalist forces, are regrettably included leaders coming from political forces with the people of whom we were struggling in the same lines of battle against the actions and ideas of Grivas and nationalism.


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Clear positions, accountability and steadfastness are needed, not all-purpose policies with ambiguities and transformations