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AKEL on Egyptian President’s official visit to Cyprus:

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th November 2017, Nicosia

The official visit to Cyprus of Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is of particular importance for the further development of mutually beneficial political, trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, but also for the further development of cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two peoples. We note that these relations have historical roots, having as their starting points the relations of friendship and cooperation that had been developed by President Makarios and President Nasser within the framework of the Non-Aligned Movement. These relations can and should be further strengthened, aiming at peace, understanding and cooperation in the troubled area of ​​the South Eastern Mediterranean.

The tripartite Cyprus-Egypt-Greece meeting, which will subsequently follow, is also important for strengthening the cooperation between the three countries, especially in the energy sector. The position of AKEL is that, as in all of Cyprus’ bilateral and multilateral cooperation with states, we must always be guided by the principles of the respect for International Law, human rights and democracy. Based on this framework of principles, the transformation of Cyprus into a bridge of peace and cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean must be at the centre of our attention.


Statements by A. Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


The real dilemma is not between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and a better solution, but between a bizonal, bicommunal federal solution and the finalization of partition