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The President must clarify which competences should be decentralized


18 November 2020, ‘Astra’ radio station

A federation is judged by the competences of the central state, the Head of AKEL’s Cypriot Problem Office Toumazos Tsielepis stated to ‘Astra’ radio station.

Toumazos Tsielepis went on to say that for Cyprus the central government’s competences are agreed and the issue is considered closed.

  1. Tsielepis explained that if the President of the Republic really wants to continue the talks from where they had remained at Crans Montana, then he should not touch on issues that have been agreed upon and considered closed.

He stressed that the President of the Republic must clarify which of the competences that have already been agreed he wants to decentralize.

Regarding all the talk about the recognition of the pseudo-state in the occupied areas, T. Tsielepis stressed that such an act would not be an easy step for any country to take, and cited Azerbaijan as an example.

He pointed out, however, that even if it did proceed to do so, nothing would change as far as the status of the occupied territories is concerned.


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