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The President is provoking the historical memory and consciousness of our people

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2nd April 2020, Nicosia

The period our country is going through do not lent themselves for President Anastasiades to repeat unhistorical narratives about the Cyprus tragedy which are provoking our people’s historical memory and consciousness. It wasn’t the people of Cyprus, nor all of the forces of the country that proved to be unworthy to serve their country. It is only those forces and circles who acted together to commit the betrayal of our country and organized, not “division”, as Mr. Anastasiades claims, but the overthrow of democracy through the coup d’état and the partition of our country.

Anyone who exploits the spirit of understanding displayed by the people and political forces of the country during these times, thinking that their provocative references about our country’s history will remain unanswered, on the one hand, is deluding him/herself and on the other hand does not offer a good service to the climate that must exist during these difficult times.


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