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“The Left is the only force capable of leading a rupture with the EU austerity neoliberal policies and acting as the bastion of resistance to the ultra-right, racism and xenophobia”

AKEL on the European Parliament resolution on the rise of ultra-right violence

Article by Neoklis Sylikiotis – AKEL Political Bureau member and AKEL MEP

4 November 2018

In its previous plenary session, the European Parliament adopted by 355 votes in favor, 90 against and 39 abstentions a resolution on the rise in neo-fascist violence in the EU. The resolution was put forward by the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) and was supported by the Socialist & Democrats Group and the Greens, but also by some MEPs from other political groups. The proposal was submitted following the recent pogroms waged by neo-Nazi groups in Chemitz, Germany, as well as the attack on Italian GUE/NGL MEP Eleonora Forenza and her assistant Antonio Perillo by neo-fascist groups after an anti-fascist demonstration in Bari, Italy.

The text of the European Parliament encourages EU member states to promote an awareness and education about history, including the atrocities committed during the Second World War. It is a clear text against bigotry and denounces, among other things, the attacks by neo-fascist and ultra-right groups against democrats and anti-fascists. It condemns, inter alia, the murders of Pavlos Fyssas (the text notes that the “Golden Dawn” party is in courts as a criminal organization), Jo Fox (UK Labour Party MP) and the attacks against Forenza-Perillo, the attacks on LGBTI people (including the murder of Zak Kostopoulos), immigrants and asylum seekers. In addition, it also criticizes the lack of serious action taken against the ultra-right groups, which made the current rise of xenophobia in Europe possible. Finally, the European Parliament expresses its concern about the neo-fascist violence and impunity with which neo-fascist groups are active in EU member states. The European Parliament calls on Member States to take further measures to prevent, deplore and combat rhetoric and hate crimes, by member-state’s police forces as well.

The rise of the far-right is now a sad reality in the EU. It is something we see on a day-to-day with the rise of the ultra-right parties and their participation in governments. Italy, Austria and Hungary are startling examples, while many right-wing parties are moving dangerously to the ultra-right, adopting its rhetoric, as in Poland, or in Bavaria Germany too.

The fertile ground for the growth of the ultra-right has been created by the social problems caused as a result of the neo-liberal austerity policies being imposed on the peoples by the EU as the supposed answer to the economic crisis. These policies have led to one in four young people and one in five pensioners across the EU at the risk of poverty. Cyprus is among the countries that top the table as regards citizens at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

What is needed is the continuation of the struggle and active mass participation against neo-liberal austerity policies. The Left is the only force that can work radically and assertively, defending workers’ rights and shifting the political debate on to the real social problems people face. It is the only political force capable of leading a rupture with the neoliberal policies of austerity in the EU and acting decisively as a bastion of resistance to the extreme-right, racism and xenophobia.


"The perspectives of the EU and the Cyprus problem"


Contribution to the meeting of GUE/NGL party leaders by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary CC AKEL