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The Greek Cypriot side must stay focused on the agreed framework – Any deviation from the agreed framework will lead to disastrous results

Statement by Christos Christofides, AKEL Nicosia – Kyrenia District Secretary and a member of the Political Bureau of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2 February 2019, Nicosia

The meetings of the UN Secretary-General’s envoy on Cyprus with the leaders of the two communities offer an opportunity for the resumption of the talks and for the prospects for the liberation and reunification of our homeland to be created again.

This possibility does not depend, of course, solely on the Greek Cypriot side. It depends to a great extent on the stand of both the occupying power Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership. What is important, however, for us, is to do what is required to enhance the prospect of resuming the dialogue on a correct basis, or if the other side were to undermine this prospect it should bear the responsibility.

The terms of reference are an important step for resuming the dialogue, but also for the prospect of a solution. The Greek Cypriot side must stay focused on the agreed framework. Any deviation from the agreed framework will lead to disastrous results. At the same time, we must remain within the proposed Guterres Framework and the Convergences that provide a good basis for negotiation. Among other things, we recall that the abolition of the guarantees and the withdrawal of the occupying troops are envisaged. Such a basis will prevent Turkey from putting unacceptable claims on the negotiating table.

The new attempt to resume negotiations is underway, at the same time as the barren passage of time is consolidating the occupational fait accompli. Turkey is deepening the occupation and partition in essence unobstructed and intensifying its provocations in our Exclusive Economic Zone. A correct solution to the Cyprus problem based on inviolable principles will reunite and liberate our homeland and people and create prospects for security and prosperity.


On the efforts aiming at the further militarisation of Cyprus


With the occupation and partition deepening every day, the only way out today is through the resumption of talks on a correct basis