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The government must solve the rent problem

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL 16th April 2020, Nicosia

The rent problem is very pressing and it is imperative that the government immediately provides a solution.

The operation of thousands of SME’s has been suspended by decrees. They have no income, but only have obligations and, above all, to pay their rent.

In fact, in various areas – primarily tourist – rents are extremely high and the obligations for tenants reach very high levels.

Businesses are in danger of going bankrupt and being left with many thousands of euros to pay the rent.

On the other hand, there are property owners who have the rent as their only or basic source of income and they too face many problems.

This problem needs to be addressed before the situation gets out of control.

AKEL’s position is that this problem can be tackled with the contribution of tenants, landlords and the state.

We believe that this approach can help to address the problem satisfactorily.

We call on the government to act immediately to address the rent problem.



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